PLEASE NOTE: This photograph is Copyright (c) 2005 by Cathy Dixson and is used here by permission. This photograph may not be used further without the written permission of Cathy Dixson. All rights reserved.
Across this field their words
leap like suicides from their lips
and rise above them like knives
but be gentle
Across this field
in this same blue air we breathe
they plan our murder
but be gentle
Across this field
where our shadows are the same
beautiful and black
be gentle
Across this field
as the dark birds gather
in their arms let our arms
cradle children
so be gentle
Across this field
today is not tomorrow
and even though yesterday
wears the black dress of a widow
be gentle
Across this field
of bodies and blood
bones and ghosts
they are afraid of the graves between us
so be gentle
Across this field
drop the stones to the grass
and open the wide prayer of your arms
to call their names
and be gentle
Across this field
where love lurks like a thief
where hope bleeds in its cage
here where we gather with the dead
be gentle
Across this field
I have seen them smile
and they have given birth
and their kness have touched this warm earth
be gentle
Across this field
you can hear them calling
calling for help
kiss them when they arrive
By Eddie Dowe
Read at the Yorktown Rally for Social Justice, June 25, 2005.
Copyright 2005 by Eddie Dow.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry 360 with permission of the author.